Thursday, February 14, 2013

student success statements

" so often, in our quest to be more popular and to be part of the "in-group" we lose sight of things that are far more important"
-Sean covey 
I think this statement is trying to say that when you are thinking about things that are not important you forget about the things that are more important like for example you think a lot about how you are going dress to school than what you should be really thinking about how well you are going to do in the test for that day.
Many people get well dress just to impress their friends they should impress them by doing well in school and having good grades in every class.
 They think about what they should wear instead 

 when instead they should be worried about school

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Habits 4
4. Think Win-Win
Teens can learn to foster the belief that it is possible to create an atmosphere of Win-Win in every relationship. This habit encourages the idea that in any given discussion or situation both parties can arrive at a mutually beneficial solution. Your ten will learn to celebrate the accomplishment if others instead of being threatened by them. Win-Win is a belief that everyone can win. It’s both nice and tough all at once. I won’t step on you, but I won’t be your doormat either. You care about other people and you want them to succeed. But you also care about yourself, and you want to succeed as well. Win-Win is abundant. It is the belief that there’s plenty of success to go around. It’s not either you or me. It’s both of us. It’s not a matter of who gets the biggest piece of the pie. There’s more than enough food for everyone. It’s an all-you-can-eat-buffet.
          Win-Win always creates more. Perhaps the most surprising benefit of thinking Win-Win is the good feelings it brings on. The true test of whether or not you are thinking Win-Win or one of the alternatives is how you feel. Win-Lose and Lose-Win thinking will cloud your judgment and fill you with negative feelings.
          Win-Win will fill your heart with happy and serene thoughts. It will give you confidence. Even fill you with light. Think Win-Win or no deal.
Choose the right!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

student success statement

" you cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible."
-Ezra Taft Benson
this statement is trying to say when you are doing the wrong thing you would always feel bad about it when you do good you will always feel good about the thing s you do and it is not possible to do wrong and feel right about it. It will make you feel worse.

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens
Habit 3
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Habit three is about WILL and WILL NOT power. This habit helps teens prioritize and manage their time so that they focus on and complete the most important thing in their lives. Putting first things first things first deal with things that are:
 Important or not important, urgent or not urgent. Let’s look at the fours quadrants of time management.
Quadrant 1: things that are important and urgent.
Quadrant 2: things that are important but not urgent.
Quadrant 3: things that are not important but are urgent.
Quadrant 4: things that are not important and not urgent.
1.Important &urgent
2.important but not urgent
3.not important but are urgent
4. not important and not urgent
Quadrant 2 is the ideal place to spend our time, doing things that are important but not urgent. Here’s where priorities come into play. The results for living Quadrant 2 are;
1.    Control of your life
2.    Balance
3.    High performance
So, in what quadrant are you spending most of your time? The key is to shift as much time as possible into Quadrant 2 and this is accomplished by planning. Spend more time planning and incorporating the most important things first, things that matter most. Keep your eyes on the prize and reach for it
Choose the Right!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

student success statement

"whether i fail or succeed shall be no man's doing nut my own. i am the force."
-Elaine Maxwell
what this statement is trying to say is that you are your own person you don't have to listen to what others tell you to do you do what you want not what others want you to do. you have the power to say no to people you have the power to never say yes to what you don't want to do or say no to what you don't what them to make you do. 


7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens Habit 1
(By Sean covey but modified)
Habit 1: be proactive.
Being proactive is the key to unlocking the other habits. Help your teen take control and responsibility for her life. Proactive people understand that they are responsible for their own actions or unhappiness. They don’t blame others for their own actions or feelings. Proactive people realize that the ball is in their court, that they are the captain of their own ship; that they are in control, control of their decisions, thoughts, choices, decisions, goals, actions, and priorities. Proactive people are self-starters; they don’t wait to be told what to do, they press forward with enthusiasm toward the achievement of their   assignments, their duties, their responsibilities, their obligations. Choosing to do what is right is proactive decisions. Obey the rules. Obey the law. Obey the coach. Obey the school policies. Obey your parents.  Obey with exactness and great things will come to you. Be proactive and take the initiative.
Choose The Right!!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

student success statement

" keep your eyes on the prize"
- anon
 what this statement is trying to say to keep your eyes on what your want and what you want to get in the future. also to accomplish your dreams and do what you want so later on in life you could get that and should always do what you feel and think before other people tell you what you should do.

Ten Tips for Student Success
St. Johns University
1.      Attend your classes. Remember in the words of Woody Allen ‘seventy percent of success in life is showing up.’
2.    Know your faculty. Make sure you know who your teachers are, when their office hours are and how to contact them.
3.      Make sure the faculty knows you. Sit in the front if the classroom. Participate in class discussions. Consult with your teachers during office hours.
4.      Use a daily planner. Note the dates for exams, assignment, term papers, etc.
5.      Be organized. Prioritize your responsibility. Mange your time. Remember everyone has the same 168 hours a week, only some of us use them better than others.
6.      Know your campus resources. Visit your academic’s dean office regularly. Become familiar with the services and programs offered by the counseling center, the freshmen center, the career center, the campus ministry office and the student’s line office.
7.      Take care of your health. Get enough sleep. Eat well-balanced meals. Exercise regularly. Make informed and mature decisions about alcohol, sex and drugs. Visit the health office as needed.
8.      Work only as necessary. Try not the exceed 20 hours during a school week. If possible, work on campus. Apply for financial aid and loans if you need them. Manage your expenses very carefully.
9.      Get involved in campus activities. It will helps your learn valuable skills, expand your social network and enhance your self-confidence. Seek out opportunities to apply what you learn in the classroom.
10.  Keep your eyes on the prize. Clarify your goals. Know why you are in (high school or) college in the first place. Visualize your success on a daily basis.
Choose the right!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013




Profile of Successful Students
Part 3
… owns or has easy access to a computer with Internet access and email
You don’t have to be a computer expert to be successful in online learning – but you must have access to a personal computer with using them. Owning a computer with Internet access from your home is ideal but many students use the computer labs on campus or at their offices to complete their work.
… had basic computer skills and is willing and open to learning new ones
We said you don’t have to be a computer expert to be successful in online learning. However there are some basic technical skills you should have mastered prior to enrolling in an online course.
Choose the right!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Profile of a successful student
Part 2

Work together. There are a number of ways that you can ensure you get the most out of your education experience. First, participate fully. Engage regularly in the discussions and be willing to share your personal, professional and educational experiences. You can get to know your classmates through the dialogue that is created in a course environment—sometimes even better than in a face-to-face class. And the same goes for your sure to contact your professor – especially if you are having problems. He/she is still your instructor and will be there to guide and assist you as needed.
Choose the right!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

student success statement

" It's not WHERE you live but HOW  you live that counts. It's not WHERE you play the game but HOW you play the game that counts."
-Mr. Haymore 

reflection:what this statement is trying to say it does not matter if you live in the poor or in the Rich areas its about how much time you put into it.its not about if you are rich and have all the money in the world that makes you be in the top to be legacy its how strong you play and well you play it to.  

Profile of a Successful Student
Part 1
 Successful student…
takes responsibility for his/her own learning
Online learning can be powerful, stimulating, engaging, experience for the students who can work and think independently. However, since most--- if not all --- of the learning takes place on your own time, you will not have the kind of direct supervision you would in a classroom. Online learning therefore requires a significant commitment from you. All education comes down to what you’re willing to invest in the experience—this is particularly true in the online environment. Commitment, self-discipline and self-motivation are all key qualities to ensuring success in an online course! ... is comfortable and confident with written communication Reading and writing are the basis of most online courses, so it’s critical that you feel comfortable with this form of communication. While some courses contain modules that include videos or other activities, all of them require significant amount of reading. And nearly all of your communication with your classmates and your instructor will be in writing. If these are weak areas for you, you will want to address those issues those prior to enrolling or while enrolled in an online course. The PSU Writing Center is available to assist you. is willing to be a member of a learning community.
Choose the Right!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

student success statement

"what's right isn't always popular: what's popular isn't always right"
-Howard Cosell

i think this statement is trying to say not all the popular things are always the good things to be doing. they always end up being the wrong things like for example:
the fashion there popular showing skin your belly and everything right but who are you trying to impress with showing off your skin nobody. always smoking they say it makes you popular and stuff but who does it affect nobody else but you. but you should always thing about the things you gonna do if you should fallow the popular way that's bad or the popular way that's go.

Successful students
7. … understand the actions affect learning. Successful students know their personal behavior affect their feeling and emotions which in turn can affect learning.
            If you act in a certain way that normally produces particular feeling, you will began to experience those feelings. Act like you’re bored, and you’ll become bored. Act like you’re disinterested, and you’ll become disinterested. So the next time you have trouble concentrating in the classroom, “act” like an interested person: lean forward, place your feet flat on the floor, maintain eye contact with the professor, nod occasionally, take note, and ask question. Not only will you benefit directly from your actions, your classmates and professor may also get more excited and enthusiastic.
8. …talk   about what they’re learning. Successful students get to know something well enough that they can put it into words. Talking about something, with friends or classmates, is not only good for checking whether or not you know something, it’s a proven learning tool. Transferring ideas into words provides the most directs path for moving knowledge from short-term to long-terms memory. You really don’t “know” materials until you can put it into words. So, next time you study, don’t do it silently. Talk about notes, problems, reading, etc. with friends, recite to a chair, and organize an oral study group, pretend you’re teaching your peer. “talk-learning” produces a whole host of memory traces that result in more learning.
Choose the right!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

High School Graduation- Pleasure or pain

 i thing its better to have a graduation with pleasure than with pain because all the students get to remember that day as a happy day and not the day as the worst one of there life. its better for all the students remember what hard they work with there high school life than to try to forget about it for life. all the students should be rewarded for all the good and hard work they had pit through there high school. all of them would be so happy if no bad thing happen during that ceremony.

Successful students
5. Don’t sit in the back of the room. Successful students minimize classroom distraction that interferes with learning.
Students want the best seat available for their entertainment dollar, but willingly seek the worst seat foe their educational dollars. Students who sit in the back cannot possibly be their professor’s teammate (see no.4). Why do they expose themselves to the temptation of inactive classroom experiences and distraction of all the people between them and their instructors? Of course, we know they chose the back of the classroom because they seek invisibility or anonymity, both of which are antithetical to efficient and effective learning. If you are trying not to be part of the class, why, then are you wasting your time? Push your hot buttons; is there something else you should be doing with your time?
6. … take good notes. Successful students take notes that are understanding and organized and review them often.
Why put something into your notes that are necessary to make your notes meaningful at some later time. A short review of your notes while the material is still a fresh on your mind helps you to learn more. The more   you learn then, the less you’ll have to include some deciphering time, also. The whole purpose of taking notes is to use them, and use them often. The more you use them, the more they improve.
Choose the right!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

student success staetment

" The Time Is Always Right To Do What Is Right"

 i think this statement is trying to say when you do right its always the right time to be doing it like for example  doing your home work at 4 in the  afternoon or staying up till 12 at midnight its still the right time because your are doing what's go you are doing your homework a bad example is staying up at 12 drinking smoking or out clubbing in the week when the next day you have school that's the wrong thing and the wrong time to be doing.
The right time is to always do good thing !!

successful students 3-4

Successful Students
3. …ask questions. Successful students ask questions to provide the quickest route between ignorance and knowledge. In addition to securing knowledge you seek asking questions has at least two other extremely important benefits. The process helps you pay attention to you! Think about it. If you want something go after it. Get the answer now or fail a question later. There are no foolish questions, only foolish silence. It’s your choice.
4. …learn that a student and a professor make a team. Most instructors want exactly what you want: they would like for you to learn the material in their respective classes and earn a good grade.
Successful students reflect well on the efforts of any teacher: if you have learned your material the instructor they are not an enemy, you share the same interests the same goals – in short your teammates. Get to know your professor. You’re the most valuable players on the same team. Your jobs are to work together for mutual success. Neither wishes to chalk up losing season. Be a team player!
Choose The Right!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

student success statment

"I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what your feel bad after"
-Ernesto Hemingway

what he is trying to say its when you doing bad things they all end up going back to you and you feel bad about it at the end of the day. Also what is done bad you will have it in you till you say it out to someone and you will feel better. if you do the good thing you will always feel good about them no matter what you will know you did good and that you tried your best on doing the good choices in your life. many people may talk about you and say mean thing oh well let them say anything they want but just know you did good and not worry about what they think because who's is the one that's going to end up loosing its them only not you.

Successful Students
Successful students exhibit a combination of successful attitudes ans behaviors as well as intellectual capacity. Successful students. . .
1.     . .are responsible and active. Successful students get involved in their studies accept responsibility for their own education and the different between leading and being led. Your own efforts control your grades you earn the glory or deserve the blame you make the choice. Active classroom participation improves grades without increasing study time. You can sit there, act bored, daydream, or sleep. Or, you can actively listen, think, question, and take notes like someone in charge of their learning experience. Either potion costs one class period. However, the former methods will require a large degree of additional work outside of class to achieve the same degree of learning the latter provides at one sitting. The choice is yours.
2.     …have educational goals. Successful students have legitimate goals ans are motivated by what they represent in terms of career aspiration and life’s desires.

Ask yourself these questions: what am I doing here? Why have I chosen to be sitting here now? Is there some better place I could be? What does my presence here mean to me? Answers to these questions represent you “HOT BUTTONS” and are, without a doubt the most important factors in your success as a college students. If your educational goals are truly yours, not someone else’s they will motivate a vital and positive academic attitude. If you are familiar with what these hot buttons represent and refer to them   often, especially when you tire of being a student, nothing can stop you: if you aren’t and don’t, everything can and will!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Student Success Statement

" My Strength Is As The Strength Of Ten Because My Heart Is Pure"
-Alfred, Lord Tennyson


This statement is trying to say that people have many strengths you just have to show it deep inside and find it. Also, many people give up on them self because they think the work its to hard that they just end up giving up they have to try harder to find it.and t]what this person is saying he has the strength that other people don't use he has it with him and his hard is empty hat he does not need nobody with him next to him cheering him up hes one his own.

Study for Multiple Exams
Part 3
English, math, foreign language tips: practice—especially foreign language. It is hard to succeed in a foreign language class if you are just showing and doing the work. but if you are in your room and look at objects and try to say them in language you are learning it actually helps. Or if you send a simple text to a friend think about it, can you translate that to German or Spanish? These are the little things that will help.
 Here are my final words of wisdom for students who want to get better grades in college: time management and organization are critical key factors to success in college. And never be afraid to go ask your teacher for help. They have office hours for a reason-use them
Choose The Right!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Study for Multiple Exams
Part 1
How to study for multiple exams, deal with multiple projects: really it is my time management that I explained above. If I see I have multiple things due or to study for all the same time I spread out my time beforehand. For example, If I have a test on Monday test Thursday and part of Friday. Start studying for my next test on the second half of Friday and part of Saturday, then my second Tuesday test on Saturday as well and part of Sunday. Then Sunday night I can review for my Monday test because I already studied for it. When that test is over I can begin reviewing for the other test.
My overall study method: I try to break it up over several days or at least two. I get bogged down of I try to pull an all nighters.
How I’ve overcame an initial bad grade: if I received a low grade I probably knew it was coming because I didn’t prepare properly or I didn’t use the right study habits for that class. I usually try to go over what I did wrong and sometimes discuss with the teacher what I can do differently on the next exam or what they suggest I do for studying for the next exam.
Choose the right!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Work Together part 2

Work Together
Part 2
English, math, foreign language tips: For math, all I can say is do the problem assigned. It is the only way to practice and that’s really all it is for math. It’s the same for chemistry: if you do the practice problems you will understand the material so much better because those subjects are not just memorization like history, you need to be able to apply what you have learned in practical situations. As for English, I am no longer taking it, but I would say to leave yourself plenty of time to write essays and papers. They take time to get all the information out of your head and onto the page, so don’t leave them until the least second.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Reflection Gang Arrest

5 gang members were arrest for not doing what they had to do. We don't know what they did but what ever they did they ended up in jail.The court gave them 25 years each in prison Long Island, NY. the gang members will pass most of their life in jail and they look like  if there just between the ages of 18-25 they look between those ages they are going spend almost their entry life right there just for nt doing what they had to do.

Work Together Part 1

I can and will work as part of the team as long as everyone in the team is willing to do work. I don’t like having to pick up the slack, but I will if I know that my grade will be harmed otherwise. My greatest academic success was in my first semester when I had to write a 10-12 page research paper.  It was the longest paper I had ever been assigned and I was a little scared. Also, it was the first paper where they like; here you go, just write about something. I had argued in favor of or against something, but it could be anything from the sky is blue to hypnotism. I wrote mine on hypnotism. I worked on this paper for weeks and weeks. Every night I would be doing research or writing. I put so much effort into this paper. It ended up being just under 12 pages but it was full on information. I turned it and when I got it back a week or so later, I had received the first A+ of my college career. All my hard work paid off because I got the grade I deserved. I was really happy and proud of myself.
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